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'Through The Looking Glass' offers in-company programmes, online learning capsules and consulting in strategy and airline fleet planning

03 January 2010

Please be kind to Monarch Airlines

A Happy New Year to all readers.

The silly season has arrived early. UK bookmaker Paddy Power reported that 100 people had a flutter over Christmas on whether Monarch Airlines will be the next airline to go bust. They shortened the odds from 50 to 1 to just 4 to 1. My good friend Tim Jeans, Managing Director of Monarch Airlines, did not find Paddy Power's 'book' on his airline at all funny. Tim did not lose a moment in reassuring people that his airline is as safe as houses. Said Tim, Paddy Power's odds of 18 to 1 on Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary to be the next CEO of British Airways would be a better bet.

But there are still people in this crazy world who are willing to bet on Elvis being alive and well.

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