A blog featuring comment about airline strategy

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'Through The Looking Glass' offers in-company programmes, online learning capsules and consulting in strategy and airline fleet planning

11 March 2010

Rumours of my passing are exaggerated

My regular readers (and yes, there really are some) are doubtless wondering why I have not posted anything for a while. The answer is simple. I have relocated to Al Ain, in the United Arab Emirates, and have assumed the position of Director of the Al Ain International Aviation Academy. One of the joys of moving to a new country is that one can never take things like an internet connection for granted. In my case, the blog site was automatically translated into Arabic, thereby making it impossible to upload any posts.

After some deliberation, I decided that it would be quicker to resolve the internet connection issues rather than learn Arabic. The site is now appearing (at least to me) in the English, as opposed to the Arabic, language and, as a consequence, I am happy to say that normal service will now be resumed.

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