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'Through The Looking Glass' offers in-company programmes, online learning capsules and consulting in strategy and airline fleet planning

21 February 2013

A plea to FlightGlobal

I must take my hat off to the folks at FlightGlobal. Nice people, nice articles, nice blogs. Yes, they are all very nice indeed. Their website is informative and always full of interest.

Quite often my interest is piqued by some juicy headline or other, which leads me to click on a link in order to read the full article. And then my glow of appreciation for those nice people fades somewhat. Why? Because, more often than not, there is a little orange logo within which are the dreaded letters, 'Pro'. This means, of course, that unless one subscribes to FlightGlobal Pro, access is blocked. What I do not understand is why this is not made clearer at the outset. It is soooo frustrating. I wouldn't mind if 'Pro' were to be reasonably priced, but it isn't. At least, it isn't for independent businessmen like me, who have to watch the pennies.

I did speak to a nice gentleman at FlightGlobal about this, and he was terribly decent about it, sympathising and agreeing with me. But I am small fry and policy will not be changed for me. This is a pity because in my past life, when I controlled corporate budgets, a simple signature was all that was needed to unlock the treasures within 'Pro'. Who knows, one day I might be a bigger fish again, with my finger on the corporate purse.


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